Is it der, die or das Zeug?

The correct article in German of Zeug is das. So it is das Zeug! (nominative case)
The word Zeug is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Zeug?
How does the declension of Zeug work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Zeug | die Zeuge |
Genitive | des Zeugs des Zeuges | der Zeuge |
Dative | dem Zeug dem Zeuge | den Zeugen |
Akkusative | das Zeug | die Zeuge |
What is the meaning of Zeug in German?
Zeug has various definitions in German:
[1] often pejorative: objects of all kinds, material, device
[1] oft abwertend: Gegenstände aller Art, Material, Gerät[2] Outingly: tissue for clothes
[2] veraltend: Gewebe für Kleider[3] colloquial: clothing
[3] umgangssprachlich: Kleidung[4] often pejorative: nonsense, stupid chatter
[4] oft abwertend: Unsinn, dummes Geschwätz[5] Outingly: tools
[5] veraltend: Werkzeug[6] Sea male: rigging
[6] seemännisch: Takelage[7] Outingly: dishes of the draft animals
[7] veraltend: Geschirr der ZugtiereHow to use Zeug in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Zeug with translations in English.
[1] Räum mal dein Zeug hier weg!
[1] clear your stuff away here[1] „Das Zeug hieß Donatoniumbenzoat und war die bitterste chemische Verbindung, die es überhaupt gab.“
[1] "The stuff was called Donatonium Benzoat and was the bitter chemical compound that it gave it at all"[2] Er trug einen Kittel aus festem Zeug.
[2] He wore a coat of solid witness[3] Zieh warmes Zeug an, das kann kalt werden!
[3] Put on warm stuff, that can be cold[4] Red nicht so ein dummes Zeug!
[4] Don't talk such a stupid witness[5] Sie wollen heimwerkern? Wir haben das Zeug dazu.
[5] You want DIY devices. We have the stuff to do so[6] Zeug ist die Gesamtheit der Segel, über die ein Schiff verfügt.
[6] Stuff is the entirety of the sails over which a ship has[7] Mein Hund hat ein Zuggeschirr und legt sich gerne ordentlich ins Zeug.
[7] My dog has a tensile dishes and likes to lie down properly