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Is it der, die or das Wortlaut?



The correct article in German of Wortlaut is der. So it is der Wortlaut! (nominative case)

The word Wortlaut is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Wortlaut?

How does the declension of Wortlaut work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Wortlaut
Genitive des Wortlauts des Wortlautes
Dative dem Wortlaut dem Wortlaute
Akkusative den Wortlaut

What is the meaning of Wortlaut in German?

Wortlaut is defined as:

[1] Word -based form in which something was expressed

[1] wortwörtliche Form, in der etwas geäußert wurde

How to use Wortlaut in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Wortlaut with translations in English.

[1] „Wenn einer vor der Klasse etwas ausdrucksvoll vorlas oder vortrug und alle anderen aufmerksam zuhörten, dann war das Rollenschema der Ansprache und Verkündigung bereits durch den Wortlaut fixiert.“

[1] "If someone read or performed a little expressively in front of the class and listened carefully, then the role scheme of the speech and proclamation was already fixed by the wording" "

[1] „Auch empfand er das Bedürfnis, manchmal Dinge in Ruhe für sich zu überlegen und wenn ihm der genaue Wortlaut nicht mehr geläufig war, sozusagen nachzuschlagen und sich seiner zu vergewissern.“

[1] "He also felt the need to sometimes think about things for himself in peace and if the exact wording was no longer familiar to him, so to speak, and to make sure of it"

[1] „Hatte ich das nicht unmittelbar danach im Wortlaut aufgeschrieben?“

[1] "I hadn't written this up immediately afterwards in the wording"

[1] „Sie spendeten zum Beispiel dem Brief der Cambridger Sternwarte, den sie im vollen Wortlaut abdruckten, das höchste Lob.“

[1] "For example, they donated the letter from the Cambridger observatory, which they printed in full wording, the highest lover"

[1] „Niko fing an, den Wortlaut zu verlesen.“

[1] "Niko started to read the wording"