Is it der, die or das Wetter?

The correct article in German of Wetter is das. So it is das Wetter! (nominative case)
The word Wetter is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
Context 1
German declension of Wetter?
How does the declension of Wetter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Wetter | die Wetter |
Genitive | des Wetters | der Wetter |
Dative | dem Wetter | den Wettern |
Akkusative | das Wetter | die Wetter |
What is the meaning of Wetter in German?
Wetter has various definitions in German:
[1] Climatology, meteorology: current state of the climate
[1] Klimatologie, Meteorologie: aktueller Zustand des Klimas[2] Mining, plural only: the air in a mine
[2] Bergbau, nur Plural: die Luft in einem Bergwerk[3] Storms, thunderstorms
[3] Unwetter, GewitterHow to use Wetter in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Wetter with translations in English.
[1] Morgen wird schönes Wetter.
[1] Tomorrow will be fine weather.[1] „Es gibt kaum einen Ort auf der Welt, der unbeständigeres Wetter hat als Island.“[2]
[1] "There is hardly a place in the world that has more unstable weather than Iceland." [2][1] „Bei gutem Wetter genießt man jedoch immer wieder eine herrliche Aussicht auf schroffe Gebirgskämme und in tiefe Fjordtäler.“[3]
[1] “When the weather is good, however, you can always enjoy a wonderful view of rugged mountain ridges and deep fjord valleys” [3][1] „Auf Fotos ist das Wetter nie schlecht. In der Realität aber schon, immer mehr Bergsteiger überschätzen sich auf dem Weg auf den Gipfel.“[4]
[1] "The weather is never bad in photos . In reality it is, more and more mountaineers are overestimating themselves on the way to the summit." [4][1] „Das Wetter verschlechterte sich wieder, und es war notwendig, einen Halt einzulegen.“[5]
[1] "The weather worsened again, and it was necessary to stop ." [5][2] Der Wetterschacht versorgt die Grube mit frischen Wettern.
[2] The weather shaft supplies the pit with fresh weather.[3] „›Es hat gedonnert‹, log ich in meiner Angst, ›es kommt ein Wetter. Wir wollen zurück nach Hause.‹“[6]
[3] "› It thundered ‹, I lied in my fear,› the weather is coming . We want to go back home. ‹" [6][3] „Gilt, was ihr könnt; Geht nicht zu tief ins Land, es kommt ein Wetter, Und überties ist dieser Platz berüchtigt Der Raubthier wegen.“[7]
[3] "Does what you can do ; Do not go too deep into the country, weather will come, And beyond that this place is notorious for the beast of prey ." [7]Is it der, die or das Wetter?

The correct article in German of Wetter is der. So it is der Wetter! (nominative case)
The word Wetter is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 2
German declension of Wetter?
How does the declension of Wetter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Wetter | die Wetter |
Genitive | des Wetters | der Wetter |
Dative | dem Wetter | den Wettern |
Akkusative | den Wetter | die Wetter |
What is the meaning of Wetter in German?
Wetter is defined as:
[1] someone who bets ; person who makes a bet
[1] jemand, der wettet; Person, die eine Wette abschließtHow to use Wetter in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Wetter with translations in English.
[1] Da werden die meisten Wetter lange Gesichter machen.
[1] Most of the weather will make long faces