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Is it der, die or das West?



The correct article in German of West is der. So it is der West! (nominative case)

The word West is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

The word West is without an article, unflanted and without plural

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Choose the correct article.




German declension of West?

How does the declension of West work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative West

What is the meaning of West in German?

West has various definitions in German:

[1] Navigation, seafaring, short form for: main sky direction west

[1] Navigation, Seefahrt, Kurzform für: Haupthimmelsrichtung Westen

[2] Politics, economy: world part, which include the North American and Western European countries

[2] Politik, Wirtschaft: Weltteil, zu dem sich unter anderem die nordamerikanischen und westeuropäischen Länder zählen

[3] Geography: Determination of a toponym that describes its western situation in relation to something

[3] Geografie: Bestimmungswort zu einem Toponym, das dessen westliche Lage im Verhältnis zu etwas beschreibt

How to use West in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using West with translations in English.

[1] Wir halten jetzt Kurs West, bis wir auf offenem Meer sind.

[1] We are now keeping the course West until we are on the open sea

[2] Ein Konflikt West gegen Ost ist nicht im Sinne der gesamten Menschheit.

[2] A west conflict against the east is not in the sense of the entire humanity

[3] Bekannt ist vielen das Londoner West End.

[3] The London West Final is known to many

[3] Die Raststätte liegt an der Autobahnauffahrt Hamburg-West.

[3] The rest area is located at the Hamburg-Weste motorway driveway

[3] „Als sie auf der Startbahn West die beiden Triebwerke aufheulen lassen und Richtung Kreta abheben, ist es 13.50 Uhr.“

[3] "When you let the two engines open on the west runway and lift towards Crete, it is 1:50 p.m."