Is it der, die or das Warnung?
The correct article in German of Warnung is die. So it is die Warnung! (nominative case)
The word Warnung is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Warnung?
How does the declension of Warnung work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Warnung | die Warnungen |
Genitive | der Warnung | der Warnungen |
Dative | der Warnung | den Warnungen |
Akkusative | die Warnung | die Warnungen |
What is the meaning of Warnung in German?
Warnung is defined as:
[1] Reference to a danger
[1] Hinweis auf eine GefahrHow to use Warnung in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Warnung with translations in English.
[1] Aufgrund der Warnung vor Wildwechsel fuhr er langsamer.
[1] Due to the warning of wild change, he drove slowly[1] „Hören Sie auf die Warnungen des Autovermieters, fahren Sie nicht mit einem Toyota Yaris die Kieswege entlang.“
[1] "Listen to the warnings of the car rental company, don't drive along the gravel paths with a Toyota Yaris"[1] „Hamids paranoide Warnungen vor dem Nachbarland taten ihr Übriges.“
[1] "Hamid's paranoid warnings in front of the neighboring country did their rest"[1] „Die Straßenarbeiter des Bezirks strichen sie an – als Warnung für die Fahrer.“
[1] "They put on the street workers of the district - as a warning for the driver"[1] „Die ernste, eindringliche Warnung des heiligen Eremiten, die so voll Vernunft war, hatte Eingang nicht nur in seine Ohrmuschel, sondern auch in seinen Verstand und sein Herz gefunden und sein Gewissen wachgerüttelt.“
[1] "The serious, urgent warning of the Holy Hermites, which was so full of reason, had found its way into his auricle, but also in his mind and his heart and shaken his certain" "