Is it der, die or das Vermieterin?
The correct article in German of Vermieterin is die. So it is die Vermieterin! (nominative case)
The word Vermieterin is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Vermieterin?
How does the declension of Vermieterin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Vermieterin | die Vermieterinnen |
Genitive | der Vermieterin | der Vermieterinnen |
Dative | der Vermieterin | den Vermieterinnen |
Akkusative | die Vermieterin | die Vermieterinnen |
What is the meaning of Vermieterin in German?
Vermieterin is defined as:
[1] female person who rented something
[1] weibliche Person, die etwas vermietetHow to use Vermieterin in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Vermieterin with translations in English.
[1] Die Vermieterin hat den Mietern der Wohnung nun gekündigt, da sie hohe Mietschulden angehäuft haben.
[1] The landlord has now terminated the tenants of the apartment because they have accumulated high rent debts[1] „Auch Fabiolas Vermieterin schlief offensichtlich.“[1]
[1] "Fabiola's landlady is obviously slept" [1][1] „In den Wintermonaten gingen die Geschäfte nicht so gut, und wenn er knapp bei Kasse war, drückte seine Vermieterin, die im Erdgeschoss wohnte, schon mal ein Auge zu.“[2]
[1] "In the winter months the business did not go so well, and if he was short of cash, his landlord, who lived on the ground floor, was already pressing an eye on" [2][1] „Ein Student erkundigt sich bei der Vermieterin einer mittelalterlichen möblierten Bude nach der Freiheit von Wanzen und anderem Ungeziefer.“[3]
[1] "A student inquires about the landlord of a medieval furnished booth about the freedom of bugs and other vermin" [3]