map of ubahn

Is it der, die or das Urne?



The correct article in German of Urne is die. So it is die Urne! (nominative case)

The word Urne is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Urne?

How does the declension of Urne work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Urne die Urnen
Genitive der Urne der Urnen
Dative der Urne den Urnen
Akkusative die Urne die Urnen

What is the meaning of Urne in German?

Urne has various definitions in German:

[1] funeral: container in which the ashes of a burned person are kept

[1] Bestattung: Behältnis, in dem die Asche einer verbrannten Person aufbewahrt wird

[2] choice: container in which the ballot papers are collected

[2] Wahl: Behältnis, in dem die Stimmzettel gesammelt werden

How to use Urne in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Urne with translations in English.

[1] Die Urne ihrer Großmutter stand auf dem Kamin.

[1] Her grandmother's urn was on the chimney

[1] Urnen können sowohl in der Erde bestattet als auch in geeigneten Räumen wie Urnenhainen aufbewahrt werden.

[1] Urns can be buried both in the earth and are kept in suitable rooms such as urn groves

[1] „Ich hob diese teuren Reste auf, verschloß sie in einer Urne und stellte diese in unser Haustabernakel, unter die Schwingen der Cherubim.“

[1] "I picked up these expensive remnants, closed them in an urn and put them in our house tabernacle, under the swinging of the CherubiMe"

[1] „Die Urne bewahrte sie auf, stellte sie im Vorderzimmer auf den Kaminsims und füllte sie mit den langen Rispen des Strandhafers.“

[1] "The urn kept her, put it on the fireplace in the front room and filled them with the long panicles of the Beach Härsä" "

[2] Aus Protest zerriss er demonstrativ seinen Wahlzettel und stieß die Urne um.

[2] In protest, he demonstratively teared his ballot paper and pushed the urn umä

[2] Die Urne sollte während der Wahl nie unbeaufsichtigt gelassen werden.

[2] The urn should never be left unattended during the election

[2] „Egal mit wem wir sprechen, niemand glaubt, dass sich nach der Wahl etwas ändert. Also, warum überhaupt zur Urne gehen?“

[2] "No matter who we speak, nobody believes that after the election something changes, why at all to the urn walk" "

Pictures or photos of Urne

[1] Urne für Friedhöfe
[1] Urne für Friedhöfe
[2] Wahlurne
[2] Wahlurne