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Is it der, die or das Unbill?





The correct article in German of Unbill is die, der or das. So it is die, der or das Unbill! (nominative case)

The word Unbill is feminine, masculine or neuter, therefore the correct article is die, der or das.

The word is mostly used in the feminine today, according to Duden online, masculine and neutrum are outdated or only regionally in Austria. The German dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm still specifies all three genera.

German declension of Unbill?

How does the declension of Unbill work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular 1 Singular 2 Singular 3 Plural
Nominative die Unbill der Unbill das Unbill
Genitive der Unbill des Unbills des Unbills
Dative der Unbill dem Unbill dem Unbill
Akkusative die Unbill den Unbill das Unbill

What is the meaning of Unbill in German?

Unbill has various definitions in German:

[1] Lifted: insult, unjust treatment

[1] gehoben: Kränkung, ungerechte Behandlung

[2] Lifted up: inconvenience

[2] gehoben: Unannehmlichkeit

How to use Unbill in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Unbill with translations in English.

[1] Er versucht, des Lebens Unbill zu entfliehen.

[1] He tries to escape the life unbillly

[1] „Der Kommerzienrat blieb wirklich im ersten Augenblick sprachlos vor Schreck, denn der Gedanke, trotz aller erlittenen Unbill, war ihm noch zu neu, sich mitten in der Welt, wie er ging und stand und allein auf sich selber angewiesen zu wissen.“

[1] “The Commercial Council really remained speechless at first, because the thought, despite all the people suffered, was still too new for him, in the middle of the world, how he went and stood and dependent on himself alone "

[1] „Einmal band er sich eine Woche lang den Arm auf den Rücken, um sich mit Unbill und Schmerz vertraut zu machen.“

[1] "Once he tied his arm on his back for a week to familiarize himself with unbill and pain"

[1] „Sie werden mir vergeben, himmlisches Weib, oder ich selber räche Sie für die Unbill, die ich Ihnen angetan habe.“

[1] "You will be forgiven me, heavenly wife, or I myself revenge you for the unbill that I have done to you"

[2] „Jetzt aber, 1940, droht ihm Unbill.“

[2] "But now, in 1940, he threatens to do so"