Is it der, die or das Umland?
The correct article in German of Umland is das. So it is das Umland! (nominative case)
The word Umland is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Umland?
How does the declension of Umland work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Umland | — |
Genitive | des Umlands des Umlandes | — |
Dative | dem Umland dem Umlande | — |
Akkusative | das Umland | — |
What is the meaning of Umland in German?
Umland is defined as:
[1] Environment ...
[1] Umgebung …[1a] ... a city
[1a] … einer Stadt[1b] ... of a water
[1b] … eines GewässersHow to use Umland in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Umland with translations in English.
[1a] „Das gilt vor allem in Starnberg - die Stadt ist und bleibt das teuerste Pflaster im Münchner Umland.“
[1a] "This is especially true in Starnberg - the city is and remains the most expensive plaster in the surrounding area"[1a] „In der Bayerischen Residenz und im Umland erkannten am 30. Juli 1914 viele Ladenbesitzer die günstige Gelegenheit und setzten, getreu dem Prinzip von Angebot und Nachfrage, die Preise herauf.“
[1a] "In the Bavarian residence and in the surrounding area, on July 30, 1914, many shopkeepers recognized the favorable opportunity and, true to the principle of supply and demand, set up prices."[1a] „Ab 1943 wurden Teile der Rüstungsproduktion dezentral in das Umland von Friedrichshafen verlagert.“
[1a] "From 1943 parts of armaments production were decentralized to the surrounding area of Friedrichshafen"[1b]