Is it der, die or das UNO?
The correct article in German of UNO is die. So it is die UNO! (nominative case)
The word UNO is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of UNO?
How does the declension of UNO work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die UNO | — |
Genitive | der UNO | — |
Dative | der UNO | — |
Akkusative | die UNO | — |
What is the meaning of UNO in German?
UNO is defined as:
[1] Often used in composite: United nations organization united nations, less often: Organization of the United Nations
[1] oft in Komposita verwendet: United Nations Organisation; Vereinte Nationen, seltener: Organisation der Vereinten NationenHow to use UNO in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using UNO with translations in English.
[1] „Der Wandel der grenzüberschreitenden Beziehungen rückt die Bedeutung der Staaten und der Staatenwelt in ein neues Licht, deren Geschöpf die UNO ist und deren Schutz sie ursprünglich vor allem dienen sollte.“
[1] "The change in cross -border relationships moves the importance of the states and the world of states into a new light, the creature of which is the UN and the protection of which it originally serves" should serve "[1] „Häufig lösen Konferenzen bei Kommentatoren das Gefühl aus, in eine Zirkusvorstellung geraten zu sein, was sie dann gleich auf die UNO insgesamt übertragen; […]“
[1] "Conferences often trigger the feeling of being in a circus performance, which they then immediately transferred to the UN."[1] „Die UNO hat Ägypten mit seinem Bevölkerungswachstum von fast zwei Millionen Menschen pro Jahr schon für 2025 Wassermangel bescheinigt.“
[1] "The UN already certified with its population growth of almost two million people per year for 2025 water shortages"