Is it der, die or das Tür?
The correct article in German of Tür is die. So it is die Tür! (nominative case)
The word Tür is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Tür?
How does the declension of Tür work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Tür | die Türen |
Genitive | der Tür | der Türen |
Dative | der Tür | den Türen |
Akkusative | die Tür | die Türen |
What is the meaning of Tür in German?
Tür is defined as:
[1] separating or connecting element between rooms and / or areas; also transmitted: access;
[1] trennendes oder verbindendes Element zwischen Räumen und/oder Bereichen; auch übertragen: Zugang; Eingang, AusgangHow to use Tür in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Tür with translations in English.
[1] Plötzlich klopft es an die Tür.
[1] Suddenly there is a knock on the door[1] Kannst du bitte die Tür zumachen!
[1] Can you close the door, please[1] „Eine kleine Tür trennt uns von dem Hof des Frauengefängnisses, in dem Gustav Landauer erschlagen wurde.“[2]
[1] “A small door separates us from the courtyard of the women's prison in which Gustav Landauer was killed” [2][1] „Die Tür der beiden war ein Kinderspiel. Ich kriegte sie mit meiner Visa-Karte auf.“[3]
[1] "The door for both of them was child's play . I got it open with my Visa card." [3][1] Am nächsten Tag stand die Polizei vor der Tür.
[1] The next day the police were at the door.[1] bildhaft: Mein Kollege meinte, ich könne doch auf die dumme Anweisung des Chefs pfeifen, sei ich doch nachweislich gar nicht da gewesen, als er sie erteilt hat. Durch diese Tür werde ich aber nicht gehen.
[1] figuratively: My colleague said that I could give a damn about the boss's stupid instructions, as there was evidence that I wasn't there when he gave them . But I won't go through this door.[1] „Das ganze Spektrum der Faszination Luftsport stellt der Verdener Luftfahrt-Verein bei seinem Tag der offenen Tür an diesem Sonntag, 19. Mai, auf dem Flugplatz in Scharnhorst vor.“[4]
[1] "The whole spectrum of the fascination of aviation is presented by the Verdener Luftfahrt-Verein at its open day on Sunday, May 19th at the airfield in Scharnhorst." [4][1, 2] „Das Hauptziel des Lehrens ist nicht, Bedeutungen zu erklären, sondern an die Tür des Geistes zu klopfen.“[5]
[1, 2] "The main aim of teaching is not to explain meanings, but to knock on the door of the spirit." [5]