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Is it der, die or das Turnhalle?



The correct article in German of Turnhalle is die. So it is die Turnhalle! (nominative case)

The word Turnhalle is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Turnhalle?

How does the declension of Turnhalle work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Turnhalle die Turnhallen
Genitive der Turnhalle der Turnhallen
Dative der Turnhalle den Turnhallen
Akkusative die Turnhalle die Turnhallen

What is the meaning of Turnhalle in German?

Turnhalle is defined as:

[1] Large hall for sporting exercises or events

[1] großer Saal für sportliche Übungen oder Veranstaltungen

How to use Turnhalle in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Turnhalle with translations in English.

[1] In der Turnhalle befinden sich oft fest montierte Sportgeräte, wie zum Beispiel eine Sprossenwand.

[1] In the gym are often firmly mounted sports equipment, such as a sprout wall at

[1] „In die Turnhalle fällt das fahle, trübe Licht eines regnerischen Oktobertages.“[1]

[1] "The gym falls the bike, cloudy light of a rainy October day" [1]

[1] „In Berlin war ich auf eine Mädchenschule gegangen – ein großer, grauer Kasten mit vier Stockwerken, Aula, Turnhalle und vielen Klassenzimmern an langen Fluren.“[2]

[1] "In Berlin, I went to a girl school - a large, gray box with four floors, aula, gym and many classrooms on long flours" [2]

[1] „Es gab in der Turnhalle nur wenig Syrer, die mit dem Boot nach Europa gekommen waren.“[3]

[1] "There was little Syrians in the gym, which came to Europe with the boat," [3]

[1] Unter Anleitung von Sporttherapeut Dr. Frank-Timo Lange vom Verein Reha-Vental trifft sie [die Patientin Ortrud Schröder] sich einmal die Woche zum Gefäßsport in einer Turnhalle des Berliner Gesundheitszentrums in Zehlendorf.[4]

[1] Under the guidance of Sport therapist Dr Frank-Timo Lange of the club Reha-Vental, she meets [the patient Ortrud Schröder] once a week to the vascular sport in a gym of the Berlin Health Center in Zehlendorf. [4]

Pictures or photos of Turnhalle

[1] Turnhalle
[1] Turnhalle