Is it der, die or das Tribüne?
The correct article in German of Tribüne is die. So it is die Tribüne! (nominative case)
The word Tribüne is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Tribüne?
How does the declension of Tribüne work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Tribüne | die Tribünen |
Genitive | der Tribüne | der Tribünen |
Dative | der Tribüne | den Tribünen |
Akkusative | die Tribüne | die Tribünen |
What is the meaning of Tribüne in German?
Tribüne is defined as:
[1] Construction with mostly covered stage and rising seating for spectators
[1] Bau mit meist überdachter Bühne und ansteigenden Sitzgelegenheiten für ZuschauerHow to use Tribüne in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Tribüne with translations in English.
[1] Die Plätze auf der Tribüne sind ziemlich teuer.
[1] The places in the stands are quite expensive[1] „Für die VIPs war eine Tribüne errichtet worden.“
[1] "A grandstand was built for the VIPS"[1] „Es galt den Beweis anzutreten, dass sie mehr waren als reine Zuschauer, die von der Tribüne aus die tapferen Mitglieder der Bewegung anfeuerten.“
[1] "It was necessary to prove that they were more than pure spectators who cheered on the brave members of the movement from the stands"[1] „Ich lese das Plakat noch einmal und gehe dann hinein und zur Tribüne hinüber, die fast ganz leer ist.“
[1] "I read the poster again and then go inside and over to the stands, which is almost completely empty"[1] „Dorcus führte Lee Jay auf die Tribüne, wo er das Feuerwerk gut sehen konnte.“
[1] "Dorcus led Lee Jay to the stands, where he could see the fireworks well"Pictures or photos of Tribüne
![[1] Tribüne](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Seebuehne_Tribuene_West_Side_Story_Bregenz.jpg)