Is it der, die or das Triathlon?
The correct article in German of Triathlon is der or das. So it is der or das Triathlon! (nominative case)
The word Triathlon is masculine or neuter, therefore the correct article is der or das.
German declension of Triathlon?
How does the declension of Triathlon work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular 1 | Singular 2 | Plural |
Nominative | der Triathlon | das Triathlon | die Triathlons |
Genitive | des Triathlons | des Triathlons | der Triathlons |
Dative | dem Triathlon | dem Triathlon | den Triathlons |
Akkusative | den Triathlon | das Triathlon | die Triathlons |
What is the meaning of Triathlon in German?
Triathlon has various definitions in German:
[1] In summer: competition, in which long distances in the disciplines swim, cycling and running can be completed in one day in one day
[1] im Sommer: Wettkampf, bei dem an einem Tag nacheinander lange Strecken in den Disziplinen Schwimmen, Radfahren und Laufen zu absolvieren sind[2] In winter: competition, which consists of cross -country skiing, disc shooting and giant slalom
[2] im Winter: Wettkampf, der aus Skilanglauf, Scheibenschießen und Riesenslalom bestehtHow to use Triathlon in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Triathlon with translations in English.
[1] Im Triathlon gingen über 70 Athleten an den Start.
[1] In the triathlon, over 70 athletes went to the starting[1] Der/Das Triathlon stellt hohe Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer.
[1] The triathlon s) places high demands on the participant[1] Durch die Erfolge der deutschen Triathleten Jan Frodeno und Anne Haug interessieren sich immer mehr Deutsche für Triathlon.
[1] Due to the success of the German triathletes Jan Frodeno and Anne Haug, more and more Germans are interested in triathlonia[2] Bei der winterlichen Variante des Triathlons gefällt Nico vor allem der Riesenslalom gut.
[2] In the winter variant of the triathlon, Nico particularly likes the giant slalom GutPictures or photos of Triathlon
![[1] Disziplinen des Triathlons im Sommer](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Tri_swim_bike_run.jpg)