Is it der, die or das Transport?

The correct article in German of Transport is der. So it is der Transport! (nominative case)
The word Transport is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Transport?
How does the declension of Transport work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Transport | die Transporte |
Genitive | des Transports des Transportes | der Transporte |
Dative | dem Transport dem Transporte | den Transporten |
Akkusative | den Transport | die Transporte |
What is the meaning of Transport in German?
Transport has various definitions in German:
[1] Promotion, transportation of goods, people, animals
[1] Beförderung, Transportieren von Gütern, Personen, Tieren[2] Quantity of (same) goods, group of people, animals that have been compiled for joint transportation
[2] Menge von (gleichen) Gütern, Gruppe von Personen, Tieren, die zur gemeinsamen Beförderung zusammengestellt worden istHow to use Transport in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Transport with translations in English.
[1] Der Transport kam trotz Verkehrsstaus noch rechtzeitig an.
[1] Despite the traffic jam, the transport came in time in time[1] „Dann kam der Transport nach Moabit, und während dieses Transportes wenigstens hatte ich zu rauchen, soviel ich wollte.“
[1] "Then the transport came to Moabit, and during this transport at least I had to smoke, as far as I want"[1] „Zwar gibt es nicht nur die Transporte zur Ausreise; sondern dann und wann verkehren auch schon wieder richtige Personenzüge.“
[1] "Although there is not only the transports to the parade, but and when and when correct passenger trains are already running again"[1] „Der erste Transport ging südwärts, aber alle weiteren führten ihn nach Westen.“
[1] "The first transport went south, but all others led it to Westerne"[1] „In der Nacht, die er zum erstenmal im Archiv verbracht hatte, war der Patron seines Gasthofs von Stadtwächtern abgeholt und, wie es hieß, mit einem Transport in die abseits liegenden nordwestlichen Randgebiete auf den Weg gebracht worden.“
[1] "On the night he had spent the first time in the archive, the patron of his inn was picked up by city guards and, as it was said, was brought to the way with transport to the sidelines northwestern outskirts"[2] Dieser Transport ist für den Schlachthof bestimmt.
[2] This transport is intended for the slaughterhouse