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Is it der, die or das Transfer?



The correct article in German of Transfer is der. So it is der Transfer! (nominative case)

The word Transfer is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Transfer?

How does the declension of Transfer work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Transfer die Transfers
Genitive des Transfers der Transfers
Dative dem Transfer den Transfers
Akkusative den Transfer die Transfers

What is the meaning of Transfer in German?

Transfer has various definitions in German:

[1] Delivery of objects or information/knowledge

[1] Weitergabe von Gegenständen oder Informationen/Wissen

[2] Economy: Payment of a amount of money in foreign currency abroad

[2] Wirtschaft: Zahlung eines Geldbetrags in Fremdwährung ins Ausland

[3] Sport: Sale of a club's professional athlete to another

[3] Sport: Verkauf eines Berufssportlers eines Vereins an einen anderen

[4] Tourism: Transport of travelers from the arrival location to accommodation

[4] Tourismus: Transport von Reisenden vom Ankunftsort zur Unterkunft

How to use Transfer in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Transfer with translations in English.

[1] Wichtig ist daher Wissen und der sorgfältige Transfer des Wissens auf die örtlichen Gegebenheiten.

[1] It is therefore important to know and the careful transfer of knowledge to the local circumstances

[1] „Ich begreife ihn als den Teilbereich des Transfers gesellschaftlich mehr oder weniger relevanten Wissens.“

[1] "I understand it as the sub -area of ​​the transfer socially or less relevant knowledge"

[3] In einem anderen Transfer hat der Toronto FC den im rechten Mittelfeld spielenden Ronnie O'Brien an die San José Earthquakes abgegeben.

[3] In another transfer, Toronto FC has handed over Ronnie O'Brien playing in the right midfield to the San José Earthquakes

[4] Der Transfer vom Flughafen zum Hotel wird mit Bussen organisiert.

[4] The transfer from the airport to the hotel is organized by buses

[4] „Der Transfer ins Hotel war wohlorganisiert, das muss man anerkennen.“

[4] "The transfer to the hotel was well organized, you have to appreciate that"