Is it der, die or das Tor?

The correct article in German of Tor is das. So it is das Tor! (nominative case)
The word Tor is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
Context 1
German declension of Tor?
How does the declension of Tor work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Tor | die Tore |
Genitive | des Tors des Tores | der Tore |
Dative | dem Tor dem Tore | den Toren |
Akkusative | das Tor | die Tore |
What is the meaning of Tor in German?
Tor has various definitions in German:
[1] Architecture: Great access, great passage
[1] Architektur: großer Zugang, großer Durchgang[2] Sport: hit zone for many ball play types
[2] Sport: Trefferzone bei vielen Ballspielarten[3] Sport: The referee confirmed fact that a player has accommodated the game device (ball, disc, ring) control compliant about the goal line of the gate mentioned under [2]
[3] Sport: durch den Schiedsrichter bestätigte Tatsache, dass ein Spieler das Spielgerät (Ball, Scheibe, Ring) regelkonform über die Torlinie des unter [2] genannten Tores untergebracht hat[4] Skiport: A passed through plugged rods
[4] Skisport: ein durch eingesteckte Stangen markierten DurchgangHow to use Tor in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Tor with translations in English.
[1] Öffnet das Tor!
[1] Opens the goalkeeping[1] Tür und Tor standen offen.
[1] Door and gate were open[1] Am Brunnen vor dem Tore, da steht ein Lindenbaum.[2]
[1] At the fountain in front of the gate, there is a Lindenbaum? [2][1] „Am Tore stieg er von seinem Maultiere, lud sein Gepäck ab und begab sich in die hinteren Gemächer.“[3]
[1] "On the gates he rose from his mules, invited his luggage down and went into the back of the backs" [3][2] Der Ball ging gegen den Pfosten des Tores.
[2] The ball went against the pole of the Toresich[2] Der Torhüter stand zu weit vor seinem Tor.
[2] The goalkeeper was too far before his goal at[3] Obwohl der Ball die Linie nicht überschritten hatte, schrien die Fans alle: Tor, Tor, Tor!
Although the ball had not exceeded the line, the fans shouted all: gate, gate, goalkeeping[3] Die Dortmunder Borussia ging früh durch ein Tor von Smolarek in Führung.[4]
[3] Dortmund Borussia went early through a gate of Smolarek in leadership. [4][3] Am Ende waren an diesem 32. Spieltag der Saison 1983/84 53 Tore gefallen - so viele wie nie zuvor und nie mehr danach an einem einzigen Spieltag. Von solchen Zahlen wagt die Bundesliga inzwischen nicht mal mehr zu träumen. Am vergangenen Wochenende waren es 29 Tore in neun Spielen […][5]
At the end of the season 1983/84 were 53 goals at this 32 am the season - as many as never before and never afterwards on a single game day. Of such numbers, the Bundesliga dares to dream more. Last weekend it was 29 goals in nine games [...] [5][3] „Geld schießt Tore – in Deutschland für Bayern, in Spanien für Madrid und Barcelona, in Frankreich für Paris Saint-Germain; in ihren Ligen sind diese Klubs kaum noch zu schlagen.“[6]
[3] "Money shoots goals - in Germany for Bavaria, in Spain for Madrid and Barcelona, in France for Paris Saint-Germain ; in its leagues, these clubs are hardly too beating" [6][4] Im Slalom sind die Tore enger als im Riesenslalom.
[4] In the slalom, the gates are more closely than in the giant slalom.Is it der, die or das Tor?

The correct article in German of Tor is der. So it is der Tor! (nominative case)
The word Tor is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 2
German declension of Tor?
How does the declension of Tor work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Tor | die Toren |
Genitive | des Toren | der Toren |
Dative | dem Toren | den Toren |
Akkusative | den Toren | die Toren |
What is the meaning of Tor in German?
Tor is defined as:
[1] Owling: fool
[1] veraltend: NarrHow to use Tor in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Tor with translations in English.
[1] Dieser Tor!
[1] This goalkeeping[1] Achtet also sorgfältig darauf, wie ihr euer Leben führt, nicht wie Toren, sondern wie Kluge! [2]
[1] So carefully pays attention to how your life leads, not goals, but like Klugä! [2][1] „Ihr dauert mich, ihr armen Toren, / ihr liebet nicht, ihr trinkt nicht Wein“[3]
[1] "You take me, your poor goals, does not love you, you do not drink wine" [3][1] „Da steh ich nun, ich armer Tor! Und bin so klug als wie zuvor;“[4]
[1] "I'll stand there, I'm poor goals and am so smart than as before" [4]Pictures or photos of Tor
![[1] ein Tor](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Saint_Ouen%27s_Manor_gates%2C_Jersey.jpg)
![[2] ein Tor beim Fußball](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Football_goal_20050521.jpg)
![[3] M. Götze schießt das entscheidende Tor im WM-Finale 2014 gegen Argentinien](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Germany_and_Argentina_face_off_in_the_final_of_the_World_Cup_2014_-2014-07-13_%2845%29.jpg)
![[4] Beim Slalom müssen die Tore exakt angefahren werden.](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Marlies_Schild_Aspen_2006_edit.jpg)