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Is it der, die or das Todesangst?



The correct article in German of Todesangst is die. So it is die Todesangst! (nominative case)

The word Todesangst is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Todesangst?

How does the declension of Todesangst work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Todesangst die Todesängste
Genitive der Todesangst der Todesängste
Dative der Todesangst den Todesängsten
Akkusative die Todesangst die Todesängste

What is the meaning of Todesangst in German?

Todesangst is defined as:

[1] Fear of dying

[1] Angst davor, zu sterben

How to use Todesangst in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Todesangst with translations in English.

[1] „Diese Stimmen, diese wenigen, leisen Worte, diese Schritte im Graben hinter mir reißen mich mit einem Ruck aus der fürchterlichen Vereinsamung der Todesangst, der ich beinahe verfallen wäre.“

[1] "These voices, these few, quiet words, these steps in the ditch behind me tear me with a jerk from the terrible loneliness of the fear of death, which I almost fell on"

[1] „In den Gesichtern der Alten um mich herum sah ich nur eines: nackte Todesangst.“

[1] "In the faces of the old around me I saw only one thing: naked fear of death"

[1] „Er hoffte noch immer, davonzukommen, aber die Todesangst lähmte ihn und wurde enorm.“

[1] "He was still hoping to get away, but the fear of death paralyzed him and became enormä"

[1] „Sie hatte ununterbrochen Todesangst und rannte viel.“

[1] "She was afraid of death and ran frequently"