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Is it der, die or das Tochter?



The correct article in German of Tochter is die. So it is die Tochter! (nominative case)

The word Tochter is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Tochter?

How does the declension of Tochter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Tochter die Töchter
Genitive der Tochter der Töchter
Dative der Tochter den Töchtern
Akkusative die Tochter die Töchter

What is the meaning of Tochter in German?

Tochter has various definitions in German:

[1] female, direct descendant, direct descendant

[1] weiblicher, direkter Nachkomme, direkte Nachkommin

[2] Short for subsidiary: a company whose majority owner is another company; often not standing alone, but in combination with the name (XYZ) of the parent company (XYZ subsidiary)

[2] Kurzform für Tochtergesellschaft: eine Gesellschaft, deren Mehrheitseigner eine andere Gesellschaft ist; häufig nicht alleine stehend, sondern in Kombination mit dem Namen (XYZ) der Muttergesellschaft (XYZ-Tochter)

How to use Tochter in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Tochter with translations in English.

[1] „Die Familie hatte für ihre wagemutigen Expeditionen wenig Verständnis, die elfjährige Tochter blieb in einem Internat zurück.“[2]

[1] "The family had little sympathy for their daring expeditions, the eleven-year-old daughter stayed behind in a boarding school." [2]

[1] Meine Tochter wurde vor kurzem erst eingeschult.

[1] My daughter recently started school.

[1] „Sie legte den Arm um ihre Tochter, die jetzt weinte, und nahm sie mit ins Haus.“[3]

[1] “She put her arm around her daughter, who was crying, and took her into the house” [3]

[1] „Die Wirtin kehrte mit ihrer Tochter zurück, einer hübschen, recht appetitlichen Blondine, die ihren Wohltätern durchaus die Hand küssen wollte.“[4]

[1] "The landlady returned with her daughter, a pretty, very appetizing blonde who definitely wanted to kiss the hand of her benefactors ." [4]

[2] Gerüchten zufolge will die X AG ihre Tochter Z verkaufen.

[2] According to rumors, X AG wants to sell its daughter Z.