Is it der, die or das Tibet?
The correct article in German of Tibet is das. So it is das Tibet! (nominative case)
The word Tibet is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
The article is needed if “Tibet” in a certain quality, at a certain time or period as a subject or object in the sentence, is otherwise, i.e. normally, no article is used.
Context 1
German declension of Tibet?
How does the declension of Tibet work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | (das) Tibet | — |
Genitive | (des Tibet) (des Tibets) Tibets | — |
Dative | (dem) Tibet | — |
Akkusative | (das) Tibet | — |
What is the meaning of Tibet in German?
Tibet has various definitions in German:
[1] Geography: Highlands in Central Asia
[1] Geografie: Hochland in Zentralasien[2] Administrative unit of the People's Republic of China, which includes about half of the highlands of the same name
[2] Verwaltungseinheit der Volksrepublik China, die etwa die Hälfte des gleichnamigen Hochlands umfasstHow to use Tibet in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Tibet with translations in English.
[1] „In Tibet herrscht Hochlandklima mit großen Tagestemperaturschwankungen und viel Sonnenschein.“
[1] "In Tibet there is a highland climate with large daytime temperature fluctuations and lots of sunshine"[1] „Dieser Tage waren Mönche aus dem Tibet mit ihren orangefarbenen Kutten zu Gast in Norddeutschland.“
[1] "These days were monks from the Tibet with their orange cowls guests in northern Germany" "[1] „Er hatte sieben Jahre lang in der Hauptstadt Tibets und in den Zentren des Buddhismus in Bhutan und Nepal studiert.“
[1] "He had studied in the capital of Tibet for seven years and in the centers of Buddhism in Bhutan and Nepal"[2] „Nach offiziellen chinesischen Angaben gibt es zurzeit in Tibet wieder über 1700 Stätten für tibetisch-buddhistische Aktivitäten mit etwa 46.000 buddhistischen Mönchen und Nonnen.“
[2] "According to official Chinese information, there are currently over 1700 sites for Tibetan-Buddhist activities with around 46 people in Tibet and nuns."[2] „Der Dalai Lama lebt seit 1959 im Exil. Peking wirft ihm vor, auf die Unabhängigkeit Tibets hinzuarbeiten.“
[2] "The Dalai Lama has lived in exile since 1959 to accuse him of working on the independence of Tibet."Is it der, die or das Tibet?
The correct article in German of Tibet is der. So it is der Tibet! (nominative case)
The word Tibet is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 2
German declension of Tibet?
How does the declension of Tibet work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Tibet | die Tibete |
Genitive | des Tibets | der Tibete |
Dative | dem Tibet | den Tibeten |
Akkusative | den Tibet | die Tibete |
What is the meaning of Tibet in German?
Tibet has various definitions in German:
[1] Wool the Tibetziege
[1] Wolle der Tibetziege[2] High quality tearing wool
[2] hochwertige ReißwolleHow to use Tibet in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Tibet with translations in English.
[1] Tibet ist Kaschmir und Mohair sehr ähnlich.
[1] Tibet is Kashmir and Mohair very similarPictures or photos of Tibet
![[1] Tibet in der Region](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Tibet-claims.jpg)