Is it der, die or das Thymian?
The correct article in German of Thymian is der. So it is der Thymian! (nominative case)
The word Thymian is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Thymian?
How does the declension of Thymian work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Thymian | die Thymiane |
Genitive | des Thymians | der Thymiane |
Dative | dem Thymian | den Thymianen |
Akkusative | den Thymian | die Thymiane |
What is the meaning of Thymian in German?
Thymian has various definitions in German:
[1] Botany: Representative of the plant genre Thymus from the family of the lip blossoming family (Lamiaceae)
[1] Botanik: Vertreter der Pflanzengattung Thymus aus der Familie der Lippenblütengewächse (Lamiaceae)[2] Especially Thymus Vulgaris, which is used as a spice and medicinal plant
[2] speziell Thymus vulgaris, welcher als Gewürz- und Heilpflanze genutzt wird[3] No plural: Kitchen spice made from the leaves of Thymus Vulgaris
[3] kein Plural: aus den Blättern von Thymus vulgaris hergestelltes KüchengewürzHow to use Thymian in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Thymian with translations in English.
[1] Die Thymiane sind vor allem im Mittelmeerraum verbreitet.
[1] The thyme are particularly widespread in the Mediterranean[2] In unserem Kräutergarten haben wir unter anderem Thymian.
[2] In our herb garden we have, among other things, Thymianä[2] Tomatensoße wird gerne mit Thymian gewürzt.
[2] Tomato sauce is gladly spiced with thyme[3] „An diesem Tag im neuen Jahr hatte er Knoblauchzehen in das Fleisch gesteckt und den Braten mit einer Mischung aus geriebener Zitronenschale, Thymian, Rosmarin und Oregano bestrichen.“
[3] "On this day in the new year he had put cloves of garlic in the meat and coated the roast with a mixture of grated lemon peel, thyme, rosemary and oregano"Pictures or photos of Thymian
![[1] Thymian](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Thymian.jpg)