Is it der, die or das These?
The correct article in German of These is die. So it is die These! (nominative case)
The word These is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of These?
How does the declension of These work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die These | die Thesen |
Genitive | der These | der Thesen |
Dative | der These | den Thesen |
Akkusative | die These | die Thesen |
What is the meaning of These in German?
These is defined as:
[1] An unanswered assertion
[1] eine noch nicht bewiesene BehauptungHow to use These in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using These with translations in English.
[1] Luther verbreitete seine Thesen in Wittenberg.
[1] Luther spread his theses in Wittenbergä[1] „Der Bürgermeister muss beide Thesen zugleich vertreten: Alles ist so schlimm wie noch nie – und alles ist halb so wild.“
[1] "The mayor has to represent both theses at the same time: everything is more bad than ever - and everything is half as wild" "[1] „Griebel nahm meine Thesen umstandslos an.“
[1] "Griebel took my theses without a hand"