Is it der, die or das Termin?

The correct article in German of Termin is der. So it is der Termin! (nominative case)
The word Termin is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Termin?
How does the declension of Termin work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Termin | die Termine |
Genitive | des Termines des Termins | der Termine |
Dative | dem Termin dem Termine | den Terminen |
Akkusative | den Termin | die Termine |
What is the meaning of Termin in German?
Termin has various definitions in German:
[1] Time to which something happened, happens or happened
[1] Zeitpunkt, zu dem etwas geschah, geschieht oder geschehen soll[2] Appearance or convened meeting
[2] verabredetes oder einberufenes TreffenHow to use Termin in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Termin with translations in English.
[1] Der Termin für die Tagung ist der 31. Oktober.
[1] The date for the conference is 31. October.[1] Wir müssen uns noch auf einen Termin einigen.
[1] We still have to agree on an appointment[1] Hätten Sie in der nächsten Woche einen freien Termin?
[1] Would you have a free time at the next week[2] Ich habe heute einen Termin beim Zahnarzt.
[2] I have an appointment at the dentist today[2] Dieser Termin kann nicht verschoben werden.
[2] This date can not be postponed[2] Ich könnte meine Termine am Montag noch umlegen, und dann könnten wir zwei uns treffen.
[2] I could still do my appointments on Monday, and then we could meet two us[2] „Er soll alle Termine absagen.“[3]
[2] "He should cancel all appointments cancel" [3]