Is it der, die or das Tennislegende?
The correct article in German of Tennislegende is die. So it is die Tennislegende! (nominative case)
The word Tennislegende is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Tennislegende?
How does the declension of Tennislegende work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Tennislegende | die Tennislegenden |
Genitive | der Tennislegende | der Tennislegenden |
Dative | der Tennislegende | den Tennislegenden |
Akkusative | die Tennislegende | die Tennislegenden |
What is the meaning of Tennislegende in German?
Tennislegende is defined as:
[1] person who was very successful in the sport of tennis
[1] Person, die in der Sportart Tennis sehr erfolgreich warHow to use Tennislegende in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Tennislegende with translations in English.
[1] „Im Tenisový Klub Sparta Praha begannen die Karrieren von Tennislegende Martina Navrátilová, Hana Mandlíková, Helena Suková und Jan Kodeš.“
[1] "In the Tenisový club Sparta Praha, the careers of tennis legend Martina Navrátilová, Hana Mandlíková, Helena Suková and Jan Kodešä began"[1] „So sagt Tennislegende Boris Becker von sich, er habe aus seinen Rückschlägen oft mehr gelernt, als aus seinen Erfolgen.“
[1] "So tennis legend Boris Becker says that he had often learned more from his setbacks than from his success"[1] „Die deutsche Tennislegende Boris Becker symbolisierte den Faktor Selbstvertrauen in seiner Zeit als Profi wie kaum ein Zweiter.“
[1] "The German tennis legend Boris Becker symbolized the factor of self -confidence in his time as a professional like hardly any second"[1] „So hat beispielsweise die Tennislegende Bill Tilden schon mit sechs Jahren Bälle geschlagen.“
[1] "For example, the tennis legend Bill Tilden has beaten balls at six years" "[1] „Mike erzählte mir, dass er zehn derzeitige Tennisprofis und Tennislegenden verpflichten könne, doch als im September die US Open nahten, hatten wir uns noch keinen großen Namen sichern können.“
[1] "Mike told me that he could commit ten current tennis professionals and tennis legends, but when the US Open was approaching in September, we had not yet been able to secure a big name"