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Is it der, die or das Teich?



The correct article in German of Teich is der. So it is der Teich! (nominative case)

The word Teich is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Teich?

How does the declension of Teich work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Teich die Teiche
Genitive des Teiches des Teichs der Teiche
Dative dem Teich dem Teiche den Teichen
Akkusative den Teich die Teiche

What is the meaning of Teich in German?

Teich is defined as:

[1] small lake; small standing water

[1] kleiner See; kleines stehendes Gewässer

How to use Teich in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Teich with translations in English.

[1] Wir haben in unserem Teich dieses Jahr wieder zwei Frösche.

[1] We have two frogs in our pond again this year

[1] „Die Chauffeure fuhren die schweren, olivgrünen Wagen um den Teich herum und parkten sie ausgerichtet nebeneinander.“[2]

[1] "The chauffeurs drove the heavy, olive-green cars around the pond and parked them next to each other." [2]

[1] „Wir gingen zum Teich, ohne ein Wort zu reden.“[3]

[1] "We went to the pond without saying a word." [3]

[1] „Es war nicht so leicht herauszubekommen, wem der Teich gehörte und wem die Enten, die im Teich schwammen.“[4]

[1] "It was not so easy to find out who owned the pond and who owned the ducks that were swimming in the pond." [4]

[1] „Der goldrote Himmel spiegelte sich in der Oberfläche des Teichs, und die schwarzen Stämme der Zypressen schnitten durch das Goldrot.“[5]

[1] "The golden-red sky was reflected in the surface of the pond, and the black trunks of the cypress trees cut through the golden-red." [5]

Pictures or photos of Teich

[1] ein Teich
[1] ein Teich