Is it der, die or das Swing?
The correct article in German of Swing is der. So it is der Swing! (nominative case)
The word Swing is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Swing?
How does the declension of Swing work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Swing | die Swings |
Genitive | des Swing des Swings | der Swings |
Dative | dem Swing | den Swings |
Akkusative | den Swing | die Swings |
What is the meaning of Swing in German?
Swing has various definitions in German:
[1] Music: Special rhythm of jazz and dance music
[1] Musik: besonderer Rhythmus von Jazz und Tanzmusik[2] Music, no plural: style of jazz especially the 1930s/1940s
[2] Musik, kein Plural: Stilrichtung des Jazz vor allem der 1930er/1940er Jahre[3] Dance: dance style, which was popular in the United States in the 1930s and which was danced to the music direction Swing
[3] Tanz: Tanzstil, der in den 1930ern in den USA populär war und der zu der Musikrichtung Swing getanzt wurde[4] Economy: Credit of a country at the business partner
[4] Wirtschaft: Kreditrahmen eines Landes beim GeschäftspartnerHow to use Swing in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Swing with translations in English.
[1][2] „Für sie sind die Plattenaufnahmen vorerst nur ein Mittel, um bekannter zu werden und mehr Engagements in den Clubs zu bekommen, dort, wo der Swing entsteht und geschmiedet wird, im Feuer der sich verzehrenden Seelen.“
[2] "For them, the recordings are only a means of becoming better known and getting more engagements in the clubs, where the swing is created and is forged, in the fire of the consuming soul" "[2] „Deutsche Combos spielten meist den populären Swing und bewegten sich häufig am Rande des Erlaubten.“
[2] "German combos mostly played the popular swing and often moved on the edge of the permission" "