Is it der, die or das Streik?

The correct article in German of Streik is der. So it is der Streik! (nominative case)
The word Streik is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
The declination 2 (Singular 2, Plural 2) is rarely
German declension of Streik?
How does the declension of Streik work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular 1 | Singular 2 | Plural 1 | Plural 2 |
Nominative | der Streik | der Streik | die Streiks | die Streike |
Genitive | des Streiks | des Streikes des Streiks | der Streiks | der Streike |
Dative | dem Streik | dem Streik dem Streike | den Streiks | den Streiken |
Akkusative | den Streik | den Streik | die Streiks | die Streike |
What is the meaning of Streik in German?
Streik is defined as:
[1] A collective work of work (refusal) with the aim of emphasizing the claims raised in the context of an industrial action
[1] eine kollektive Arbeitsniederlegung (Verweigerung), mit dem Ziel, den im Rahmen eines Arbeitskampfes erhobenen Forderungen Nachdruck zu verleihenHow to use Streik in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Streik with translations in English.
[1] Die Erfolgsaussichten dieses Streiks waren von vornherein schlecht.
[1] The chances of success of this strike were bad from the outset[1] „Im Februar 1920 erheben sich Zehntausende Arbeiter in den Goldminen am Witwatersrand zum Streik.“
[1] "In February 1920, tens of thousands of workers rose to the strike in the gold mines on the Witwatersrand"[1] „Dem eigentlichen Streik müssen 75 Prozent der Gewerkschaftsmitglieder zustimmen.“
[1] "75 percent of the union members must agree to the actual strike"