Is it der, die or das Straftat?
The correct article in German of Straftat is die. So it is die Straftat! (nominative case)
The word Straftat is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Straftat?
How does the declension of Straftat work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Straftat | die Straftaten |
Genitive | der Straftat | der Straftaten |
Dative | der Straftat | den Straftaten |
Akkusative | die Straftat | die Straftaten |
What is the meaning of Straftat in German?
Straftat is defined as:
[1] Law: act that is legally punishable, unlawful act, unlawful act, criminal act
[1] Recht: Tat, die juristisch mit Strafe belegt ist, ungesetzliche Handlung, gesetzwidrige Handlung, kriminelle HandlungHow to use Straftat in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Straftat with translations in English.
[1] Diebstahl ist eine Straftat.
[1] Theft is a criminal offense[1] Die Staatsanwaltschaft legte mir eine Straftat zur Last.
[1] The public prosecutor charged me with a criminal offense[1] Die beiden Räuber begingen bereits mehrere Straftaten.
[1] The two robbers have already committed several crimes.[1] Die Strafe bemisst sich an der Schwere der Straftaten.
[1] The punishment is based on the seriousness of the offense.[1] „Er spricht davon, wie eine Straftat einen Menschen verändert.“[1]
[1] "He talks about how a crime changes a person." [1]