Is it der, die or das Strafe?

The correct article in German of Strafe is die. So it is die Strafe! (nominative case)
The word Strafe is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Strafe?
How does the declension of Strafe work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Strafe | die Strafen |
Genitive | der Strafe | der Strafen |
Dative | der Strafe | den Strafen |
Akkusative | die Strafe | die Strafen |
What is the meaning of Strafe in German?
Strafe has various definitions in German:
[1] Sanction, reaction received due to misconduct
[1] Sanktion, wegen Fehlverhalten erhaltene Reaktion[2] In the narrower sense: fine
[2] im engeren Sinne: GeldstrafeHow to use Strafe in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Strafe with translations in English.
[1] Er muss als Strafe ins Gefängnis.
[1] He has to go to the prison as a punishment[1] „Später hören wir, dass er zu drei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt worden ist und die Strafe wortlos angenommen hat.“
[1] "Later we hear that he was sentenced to three years in prison and that the punishment has accepted without a word"[1] „Viele waren vor Strafen oder Verfolgung in ihren Heimatländern geflohen, von Mördern und Kriegsverbrechern über Pleitiers bis zu Kriegsdienstverweigerern und politischen Aktivisten.“
[1] "Many had fled in their home countries from punishment or persecution, from murderers and war criminals to Pleitiers to the contrary to the war and political activist" "[2] Wenn du erwischt wirst, musst du sicher eine hohe Strafe zahlen.
[2] If you get caught, you must pay a high punishment