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Is it der, die or das Steinplatte?



The correct article in German of Steinplatte is die. So it is die Steinplatte! (nominative case)

The word Steinplatte is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Steinplatte?

How does the declension of Steinplatte work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Steinplatte die Steinplatten
Genitive der Steinplatte der Steinplatten
Dative der Steinplatte den Steinplatten
Akkusative die Steinplatte die Steinplatten

What is the meaning of Steinplatte in German?

Steinplatte is defined as:

[1] Stone plate

[1] Platte aus Stein

How to use Steinplatte in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Steinplatte with translations in English.

[1] „Die Zeitschrift ‚Hyperion‘ hat ihre Arbeit halb gezwungen, halb freiwillig beendet und ihre zwölf wie Steinplatten großen, weißen Hefte sollen jetzt abgeschlossen sein.“

[1] "The magazine 'Hyperion' half forced its work, half voluntarily ended and its twelve like stone slabs large, white booklets should now be complete"

[1] „Gunther stützte sich mit beiden Händen auf die Steinplatte und blickte auf John Henry herunter.“

[1] "Gunther leaned onto the stone slab with both hands and looked down at John Henry"

[1] „Der Hofgrund war mit abgewetzten Steinplatten bedeckt, an manchen Stellen schimmerte noch das geometrische Muster eines eingelegten Mosaikornaments durch.“

[1] "The Hofgrund was covered with worn out stone slabs, in some places the geometric pattern of a pickled mosaic ornament was still shimmering through"

[1] „Die Oberfläche der Pyramide war mit Steinplatten bedeckt, die 70 steinerne Skulpturen trugen.“

[1] "The surface of the pyramid was covered with stone slabs, which wore 70 stone sculptures"