Is it der, die or das Standard?
The correct article in German of Standard is der. So it is der Standard! (nominative case)
The word Standard is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Standard?
How does the declension of Standard work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Standard | die Standards |
Genitive | des Standards | der Standards |
Dative | dem Standard | den Standards |
Akkusative | den Standard | die Standards |
What is the meaning of Standard in German?
Standard has various definitions in German:
[1] Something common, established, widespread, widespread
[1] etwas Geläufiges, Etabliertes, weithin Verbreitetes[2] Industry: Binding guidelines that should ensure that products from different manufacturers are compatible with each other compatible or interoperable - see DIN, ISO
[2] Industrie: verbindliche Richtlinie, die sicherstellen soll, dass Produkte verschiedener Hersteller miteinander kompatibel beziehungsweise interoperabel sind. – siehe DIN, ISO[3] Football, sport: short for standard situation
[3] Fußball, Sport: kurz für StandardsituationHow to use Standard in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Standard with translations in English.
[1] Du setzt dir aber hohe Standards, dass du jetzt plötzlich studieren gehen möchtest.
[1] But you set high standards that you suddenly want to go to study[1] „Die Braille-Schrift gilt heute als weltweiter Standard.“
[1] "The Braille script is now considered the worldwide standard" "[2] Mein DVD-Spieler unterstützt alle geläufigen Standards für die Wiedergabe.
[2] My DVD player supports all common standards for the playback[3] „Wieder einmal bewies die Defensive ihre Anfälligkeit bei Standards […].“
[3] "Once again the defensive demonstrated its susceptibility to standards […] ."[3] „»Es gibt doch allein in der jüngeren Vergangenheit so viele Beispiele, in denen die größten Spiele durch Standards entschieden wurden«, sagt Hansi Flick […].“
[3] "" There are so many examples in the recent past alone in which the biggest games have been decided by standards, "says Hansi Flick […] Ä"[3] „Die Standards sind seine stärkste Waffe. Sieben seiner 17 Tore erzielte er in der vergangenen Saison mit direkt verwandelten Freistößen.“
[3] "The standards are his strongest Wafaffe seven of his 17 goals, he scored with directly converted free kicks last season."