Is it der, die or das Stadtrat?
The correct article in German of Stadtrat is der. So it is der Stadtrat! (nominative case)
The word Stadtrat is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Stadtrat?
How does the declension of Stadtrat work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Stadtrat | die Stadträte |
Genitive | des Stadtrats des Stadtrates | der Stadträte |
Dative | dem Stadtrat dem Stadtrate | den Stadträten |
Akkusative | den Stadtrat | die Stadträte |
What is the meaning of Stadtrat in German?
Stadtrat has various definitions in German:
[1] Politics: Parliament of a city council for the municipal council in cities
[1] Politik: Parlament einer Stadt; zur Gemeindevertretung in Städten berufenes Organ[2] Politics: Member of the city council
[2] Politik: Mitglied des StadtratsHow to use Stadtrat in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Stadtrat with translations in English.
[1] Unser Stadtrat hat einige Projekte beschlossen, um Gebäude der Gemeinde zu renovieren.
[1] Our city council has decided to renovate some projects to renovate[1] „Die neun Glückszahlen aber werden künftig montags im Stadtrat gezogen.“
[1] "However, the nine lucky figures will be drawn in the city council on Mondays"[2] Korwisi ist weniger schick gekleidet als viele, die durch die Innenstadt flanieren. Früher war er Landesgeschäftsführer der Grünen und Joschka Fischers Referent, später Stadtrat in Bad Homburg.
[2] Korwisi is dressed less cheeky than many who were in the past through the city center stroller he was the state manager of the Greens and Joschka Fischer's speaker, later a city council in Bad Homburg.