Is it der, die or das Stadium?
The correct article in German of Stadium is das. So it is das Stadium! (nominative case)
The word Stadium is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Stadium?
How does the declension of Stadium work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Stadium | die Stadien |
Genitive | des Stadiums | der Stadien |
Dative | dem Stadium | den Stadien |
Akkusative | das Stadium | die Stadien |
What is the meaning of Stadium in German?
Stadium is defined as:
[1] phase/period within a development
[1] Phase/Zeitabschnitt innerhalb einer EntwicklungHow to use Stadium in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Stadium with translations in English.
[1] „Im fortgeschrittenen Stadium verlernen die Patienten altbekannte Fertigkeiten und erkennen nahestehende Personen und alltägliche Gegenstände nicht mehr wieder.“
[1] "In the advanced stage, the patients remove well -known skills and no longer recognize close people and everyday objects" anymore "[1] „Wenn Darmkrebs entdeckt wird, ist er sehr häufig in einem späten Stadium und damit unheilbar.“
[1] "If colon cancer is discovered, it is very often in a late stage and thus creation"[1] „In solchen Stadien wurden die Betrunkenen oft streit- und prügelsüchtig, und Klebs war bloß ein Männchen (und ein Feigling dazu), während man es dem alten Persicke selbst jetzt im schlimmsten Verfall ansah, dass er seinem Führer zwei stattliche SS-Männer und einen Schüler der Napola geschenkt hatte.“
[1] “In such stadiums, the drunk people often became addicted to dispute and spanking, and Klebs was just a male (and a cowardly with it), while the old Persicke was now looked at it in the worst decay that he was two stately SS- Men and a student of Napola had given "