Is it der, die or das Spur?

The correct article in German of Spur is die. So it is die Spur! (nominative case)
The word Spur is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Spur?
How does the declension of Spur work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Spur | die Spuren |
Genitive | der Spur | der Spuren |
Dative | der Spur | den Spuren |
Akkusative | die Spur | die Spuren |
What is the meaning of Spur in German?
Spur has various definitions in German:
[1] Walled legacy
[1] hinweisgebende Hinterlassenschaft[2] In the narrower sense: Marking caused by locomotion on the floor
[2] im engeren Sinn: durch Fortbewegung bewirkte Markierung auf dem Boden[3] very small amount
[3] sehr kleine Menge[4] Fixed track of a movement
[4] fest vorgegebene Bahn einer Fortbewegung[5] Mathematics: The sum of the diagonal elements of a matrix
[5] Mathematik: die Summe der Diagonalelemente einer MatrixHow to use Spur in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Spur with translations in English.
[1] Von den Einbrechern fehlt jede Spur.
[1] From the burglars, every lane lacks[2] Die Spuren waren im Schnee gut sichtbar.
[2] The traces were well visible in the snow[3] Im Trinkwasser fanden sich Spuren von Schwermetallen.
[3] In drinking water, traces of heavy metals found[4] Der letzte Wagon der Geisterbahn war aus der Spur gesprungen.
[4] The last wagon of the ghost train was jumped out of the track[5] Für quadratische Matrizen A definiert man die Spur sp(A) als Summe der Einträge auf der Diagonalen.
[5] For square matrices A, the track SP (a) is defined as the sum of the entries on the diagonal.Pictures or photos of Spur
![[4] Eisenbahnschienen normaler Spurweite](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=DualgaugeHakonetozanJP14.jpg)