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Is it der, die or das Spatenstich?



The correct article in German of Spatenstich is der. So it is der Spatenstich! (nominative case)

The word Spatenstich is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Spatenstich?

How does the declension of Spatenstich work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Spatenstich die Spatenstiche
Genitive des Spatenstiches des Spatenstichs der Spatenstiche
Dative dem Spatenstich dem Spatenstiche den Spatenstichen
Akkusative den Spatenstich die Spatenstiche

What is the meaning of Spatenstich in German?

Spatenstich has various definitions in German:

[1] The puncture into the earth using a spade

[1] der Einstich in die Erde mithilfe eines Spatens

[2] Briefly for "first groundbreaking", symbolic act at the start of construction

[2] kurz für „erster Spatenstich“, symbolischer Akt zum Baubeginn

How to use Spatenstich in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Spatenstich with translations in English.

[1] Tausende von Spatenstichen später war die Baugrube ausgehoben.

[1] Thousands of groundbreaks later the construction pit was sacrificed

[1] „Er fand den Ort, den die Frau ihm gezeigt hatte, und schon nach ein paar Spatenstichen stießen sie auf einen Klumpen.“

[1] "He found the place the woman showed him and after a few groundbreaking stamps they came across a lump" "

[1] „Durch die beiden offenen Fenster drang zuweilen vom Garten her das Geräusch der Spatenstiche und das trockene Klappern der Stricknadeln.“

[1] "Due to the two open windows, the sound of the groundbreaking stitches and the dry rattling of the knitting needle" sometimes penetrated from the garden "

[2] Als endlich mit dem Bau begonnen wurde, lag der Spatenstich schon Jahre zurück.

[2] When the construction was finally started, the groundbreaking ceremony was years ago