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Is it der, die or das Software?



The correct article in German of Software is die. So it is die Software! (nominative case)

The word Software is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

The plural is rarely used . [1]

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German declension of Software?

How does the declension of Software work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Software die Softwares
Genitive der Software der Softwares
Dative der Software den Softwares
Akkusative die Software die Softwares

What is the meaning of Software in German?

Software is defined as:

[1] Information technology, collective term: program or its entirety for use on a computer or other device with controllable circuits

[1] Informationstechnologie, Sammelbegriff: Programm oder deren Gesamtheit zur Verwendung auf einem Computer oder einem anderen Gerät mit steuerbaren Schaltkreisen

How to use Software in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Software with translations in English.

[1] Mein Computer benötigt spezielle Software, um Webseiten darstellen zu können.

[1] My computer requires special software to be able to display websites.

[1] „Mit dem Recht auf neue Produktversionen erhalten Sie unmittelbaren Zugriff auf neue Software, sobald diese auf den Markt kommt.“[3]

[1] "With the right to new product versions, you get immediate access to new software as soon as it comes onto the market." [3]

[1] „Er baute Server bei Firmen auf und implementierte neue Software in die bestehenden Server auch großer Firmen.“[4]

[1] "He set up servers for companies and implemented new software in the existing servers of large companies too ." [4]

Pictures or photos of Software

[1] Benutzeroberfläche einer Software am Monitor
[1] Benutzeroberfläche einer Software am Monitor