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Is it der, die or das Sofa?



The correct article in German of Sofa is das. So it is das Sofa! (nominative case)

The word Sofa is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

The gender is male in Swabian (as in French and Italian) .

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German declension of Sofa?

How does the declension of Sofa work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Sofa die Sofas
Genitive des Sofas der Sofas
Dative dem Sofa den Sofas
Akkusative das Sofa die Sofas

What is the meaning of Sofa in German?

Sofa is defined as:

[1] Upholstered seating for at least two people with armrests and backrests

[1] gepolstertes Sitzmöbel für mindestens zwei Personen mit Arm- und Rückenlehnen

How to use Sofa in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Sofa with translations in English.

[1] Auf dem Sofa saßen schon meine Tanten.

[1] My aunts were already sitting on the sofa

[1] Was ist denn hier passiert? Hier sieht es ja aus wie bei Hempels unterm Sofa!

[1] What happened here? Here it looks like Hempels under the sofa!

[1] „Vor dem Sofa bleibt Klose stehen und blickt auf den schlafenden Lassehn.“[2]

[1] "Klose stops in front of the sofa and looks at the sleeping Lassehn." [2]

[1] „Dem Sofa gegenüber waren ein mit blauem Samt bezogener Zweisitzer und zwei Esszimmerstühle aus Rattan aufgestellt.“[3]

[1] "Opposite the sofa were a two-seater upholstered in blue velvet and two dining room chairs made of rattan." [3]

Pictures or photos of Sofa

[1] ein grünes Sofa
[1] ein grünes Sofa