Is it der, die or das Slum?
The correct article in German of Slum is der. So it is der Slum! (nominative case)
The word Slum is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Slum?
How does the declension of Slum work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Slum | die Slums |
Genitive | des Slums | der Slums |
Dative | dem Slum | den Slums |
Akkusative | den Slum | die Slums |
What is the meaning of Slum in German?
Slum is defined as:
[1] Geography: neglected district (especially in a big city) that is inhabited by poor people and is characterized by dilapidated building fabric and poorly equipped infrastructure
[1] Geografie: verwahrloster Stadtbezirk (vor allem in einer Großstadt), der von armen Menschen bewohnt wird und durch heruntergekommene Bausubstanz und schlecht ausgestattete Infrastruktur gekennzeichnet istHow to use Slum in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Slum with translations in English.
[1] Die Wasserversorgung in den indischen Slums ist katastrophal.
[1] The water supply in the Indian slums is catastrophonic[1] „Johanna Sarre, die fließend Kisuaheli spricht, hat zwei Monate im Slum gewohnt und Feldforschung direkt vor Ort betrieben.“
[1] "Johanna Sarre, who speaks fluently Kisuaheli, lived in the slum for two months and operated field research directly on site"[1] „Sie war vor allem in den Slums von Luanda zu einer Massenbewegung geworden.“
[1] "She had become a mass movement, especially in the slums of Luanda"[1] „Für die Tollkühnsten unter uns wurde ein Ausflug in die umliegenden Slums organisiert.“
[1] "For the daring among us, a trip to the surrounding slums was organized"[1] „In der ersten Woche bereits besuchten sie die Slums von Isale Eko.“
[1] "In the first week they visited the slums of Isale Ekoe" "Pictures or photos of Slum
![[1] Ein Slum in Indien](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Mumbai_03-2016_105_Bandra_station_surroundings.jpg)