Is it der, die or das Schwächeanfall?
The correct article in German of Schwächeanfall is der. So it is der Schwächeanfall! (nominative case)
The word Schwächeanfall is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Schwächeanfall?
How does the declension of Schwächeanfall work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Schwächeanfall | die Schwächeanfälle |
Genitive | des Schwächeanfalles des Schwächeanfalls | der Schwächeanfälle |
Dative | dem Schwächeanfall dem Schwächeanfalle | den Schwächeanfällen |
Akkusative | den Schwächeanfall | die Schwächeanfälle |
What is the meaning of Schwächeanfall in German?
Schwächeanfall is defined as:
[1] Sudden physical weakness
[1] plötzlich auftretende körperliche SchwächeHow to use Schwächeanfall in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Schwächeanfall with translations in English.
[1] „Der Schwächeanfall ging so schnell, wie er gekommen war, und ich bezweifle, daß Kapitän Masoder etwas von Ortegas geschicktem Manöver bemerkte.“
[1] "The weakness of weakness went as quickly as it had come, and I doubt that captain Masoder Masoder noted from Ortega's clever maneuver"[1] „Angesichts meiner Tränen erlitt Sarah vor Erregung einen Schwächeanfall, der sie nötigte, sich auf das zwei Schritt entfernte Bett sinken zu lassen.“
[1] "In view of my tears, Sarah suffered a weakness in weakness with excitement, which needed her to sink to the two steps away"