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Is it der, die oder das Schwund?


The correct article in German of Schwund is der. So it is der Schwund! (nominative case)

The word Schwund is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

Finding the right gender of a noun

German articles are used similarly to the English articles,a and the. However, they are declined differently (change) according to the number, gender and case of their nouns.

In the German language, the gender and therefore article is fixed for each noun.

Test your knowledge!

Choose the correct article.




The most difficult part of learning the German language is the articles (der, die, das) or rather the gender of each noun. The gender of each noun in German has no simple rule. In fact, it can even seem illogical. For example das Mädchen, a young girl is neutral while der Junge, a young boy is male.

It is a good idea to learn the correct article for each new word together - even if it means a lot of work. For example learning "der Hund" (the dog) rather than just Hund by itself. Fortunately, there are some rules about gender in German that make things a little easier. It might be even nicer if these rules didn't have exceptions - but you can't have everything! The best way to learn them is with the App - Der-Die-Das Train! (available for iOS and Android)

German nouns belong either to the gender masculine (male, standard gender) with the definite article der, to the feminine (feminine) with the definite article die, or to the neuter (neuter) with the definite article das.

  • for masculine: points of the compass, weather (Osten, Monsun, Sturm; however it is: das Gewitter), liquor/spirits (Wodka, Wein, Kognak), minerals, rocks (Marmor, Quarz, Granit, Diamant);

  • for feminine: ships and airplanes (die Deutschland, die Boeing; however it is: der Airbus), cigarette brands (Camel, Marlboro), many tree and plant species (Eiche, Pappel, Kiefer; aber: der Flieder), numbers (Eins, Million; however it is: das Dutzend), most inland rivers (Elbe, Oder, Donau; aber: der Rhein);

  • for neutrals: cafes, hotels, cinemas (das Mariott, das Cinemaxx), chemical elements (Helium, Arsen; however it is: der Schwefel, masculine elements have the suffix -stoff), letters, notes, languages and colors (das Orange, das A, das Englische), certain brand names for detergents and cleaning products (Ariel, Persil), continents, countries (die artikellosen: (das alte) Europa; however exceptions include: der Libanon, die Schweiz …).

German declension of Schwund?

How does the declension of Schwund work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Schwund
Genitive des Schwunds des Schwundes
Dative dem Schwund dem Schwunde
Akkusative den Schwund

What is the meaning of Schwund in German?

Schwund has various definitions in German:

[1] mostly gradual disappears

[1] meist allmähliches Schwinden

[2] Broadcasting technology: Fading

[2] Rundfunktechnik: Fading

How to use Schwund in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Schwund with translations in English.

[1] „In Neuenahr fehlten im vorigen Jahr gegenüber dem letzten Friedensjahr immer noch gut 25. v.H. der Besucher. Der Schwund der Kurgäste in Salzig stellte sich noch im vorigen Jahr, wo das benachbarte Koblenz die Tausendjahrfeier mit einer großen Weinbauausstellung beging, gegenüber der Vorkriegszeit auf 58 v.H. Für Wiesbaden beträgt der Ausfall im Jahre 1925 gegenüber dem letzten Jahre vor dem Kriege immer noch mehr als ein Drittel, für eine so auf Gäste angewiesene Kurstadt ein überaus empfindlicher Verdienstentgang. Man wird es den Bewohnern der noch besetzten zweiten und dritten Zone des Rheinlandes nachfühlen, wenn sie mit starken Befürchtungen dem kommenden Sommer entgegensehen, in dem nicht wie im vorigen Jahre rheinisch-deutsche Jubelfeste Besucher in größeren Scharen aus dem unbesetzten Deutschland oder gar aus dem reiselustigen Deutsch-Amerikanertum hinüberziehen.“

[1] “In Neuenahr last year compared to the last year of peace, the visitor was still a good 25,000 BC. The loss of the spa guests in Salzig was still in the previous year, when the neighboring Koblenz committed the thousand year celebration with a large wine -growing exhibition, compared to the pre -war period to 58 BC for Wiesbaden, the failure in 1925 is still more than the last years before the war A third, a spa town that is dependent on guests in this way. It will be emptied by the residents of the still occupied second and third zone of the Rhineland if they are looking forward to the coming summer with strong fears, in which Rheinisch-German jubilee-resistant visitors in larger droves from unoccupied Germany or even out of travel Draw over German-American. "

[1] „Denn die Messergebnisse, die sie stützten, wurden konsequent fehlgedeutet. Inzwischen zeigten die Messreihen aus Halley Bay, wo 1957 das Phänomen erstmals beobachtet worden war, einen dramatischen Schwund des Ozons über dem Südpol. Aber der zuständige Wissenschaftler Joe Farman zögerte mit einer Veröffentlichung, weil sie allen wissenschaftlichen Erwartungen widersprachen und er den Spott der Kollegen fürchtete.“

[1] “Because the measurement results that they supported were consistently misinterpreted. In the meantime, the series of measurements from Halley Bay, where the phenomenon was first observed in 1957, showed a dramatic loss of the ozone above the South Pole. But the responsible scientist Joe Farman hesitated with a publication because they contradicted all scientific expectations and he feared the mockery of his colleagues. ”

[2] „Als Fading (Schwund) bezeichnet man durch Interferenz oder Abschattung verursachte Schwankungen der Empfangsfeldstärke bei Funkübertragungen.“

[2] "Fading (shrinkage) is referred to by interference or shading fluctuations in the reception field strength at radio transmission" "

How do you pronounce Schwund?


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