Is it der, die or das Schulter?

The correct article in German of Schulter is die. So it is die Schulter! (nominative case)
The word Schulter is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Schulter?
How does the declension of Schulter work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Schulter | die Schultern |
Genitive | der Schulter | der Schultern |
Dative | der Schulter | den Schultern |
Akkusative | die Schulter | die Schultern |
What is the meaning of Schulter in German?
Schulter has various definitions in German:
[1] Body region in vertebrates between the base of the neck and the shoulder joints
[1] Körperregion bei Wirbeltieren zwischen Halsansatz und den Schultergelenken[2] Part of the clothing that covers the shoulder [1]
[2] Teil der Kleidung, der die Schulter[1] bedeckt[3] Meat of the upper foreleg in vertebrates
[3] Fleisch des oberen Vorderbeins bei WirbeltierenHow to use Schulter in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Schulter with translations in English.
[1] Bei manchen Sportarten wird die Schulter sehr stark beansprucht.
[1] In some sports, the shoulder is very stressed.[1] „Von was tut mir die Schulter so weh, mir tut die Schulter so weh.“[2]
[1] "What does my shoulder hurt so much from, my shoulder hurts so much?" [2][1] „Blood zuckte mit den Schultern und beäugte argwöhnisch die Nachspeise, die Mizzie gebracht hatte.“[3].
[1] "Blood shrugged his shoulders and eyed the dessert that Mizzie had brought" [3].[1] „Er kniete und goß sich Wasser über Kopf und Schultern.“[4]
[1] “He knelt and poured water over his head and shoulders” [4][1] „Jan stand auf dem Gleis, die halb offene Fototasche über der Schulter, und winkte.“[5]
[1] "Jan was standing on the platform with the half-open photo bag over his shoulder and waving ." [5][2] Die Schulter braucht noch ein paar Polster.
[2] The shoulder needs a few more pads.[3] Wir nehmen am liebsten ein Stück von der Schulter.
[3] We prefer to take a piece off the shoulder.Pictures or photos of Schulter
![[1] menschliche Schulter](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=%C3%89paule_mus%C3%A9e_arch%C3%A9ologique_de_Naples.jpg)
![[1] Zwei Mädchen legen einander die Arme um die Schultern.](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Two_little_Lao_girls_hugging.jpg)