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Is it der, die or das Sauerstoff?



The correct article in German of Sauerstoff is der. So it is der Sauerstoff! (nominative case)

The word Sauerstoff is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Sauerstoff?

How does the declension of Sauerstoff work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Sauerstoff
Genitive des Sauerstoffes des Sauerstoffs
Dative dem Sauerstoff dem Sauerstoffe
Akkusative den Sauerstoff

What is the meaning of Sauerstoff in German?

Sauerstoff has various definitions in German:

[1] Chemistry: Chalcogen with a strong oxidizing effect

[1] Chemie: Chalkogen mit stark oxidierender Wirkung

[2] Chemistry: colorless, odorless, oxidizing gas; an important substance in the metabolism

[2] Chemie: farbloses, geruchloses, brandförderndes Gas; wichtiger Stoff im Stoffwechsel

How to use Sauerstoff in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Sauerstoff with translations in English.

[1] „Die meisten Weißen Zwerge, die nach Stand der Theorie den Endzustand von 97 % aller Sterne darstellen, bestehen neben Helium und Kohlenstoff zu einem großen Teil aus Sauerstoff.“[2]

[1] "Most of the white dwarfs, which according to the current theory represent the final state of 97% of all stars, consist of helium and carbon to a large extent of oxygen." [2]

[2] Der Mensch braucht Sauerstoff zum Atmen.

[2] Humans need oxygen to breathe

[2] „Ich atme, ohne über den Sauerstoff zu grübeln.“[3]

[2] "I breathe without worrying about the oxygen." [3]

[2] „Der Sauerstoff wurde bereits knapp, der Kommandant ließ Atemgeräte mit Kalipatronen an die Besatzungsmitglieder verteilen, die nicht an den Reparaturen beteiligt waren.“[4]

[2] "The oxygen was already running out, the commander had breathing apparatus with potash cartridges distributed to the crew members who were not involved in the repairs." [4]