Is it der, die or das Robinsonade?
The correct article in German of Robinsonade is die. So it is die Robinsonade! (nominative case)
The word Robinsonade is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Context 1
German declension of Robinsonade?
How does the declension of Robinsonade work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Robinsonade | die Robinsonaden |
Genitive | der Robinsonade | der Robinsonaden |
Dative | der Robinsonade | den Robinsonaden |
Akkusative | die Robinsonade | die Robinsonaden |
What is the meaning of Robinsonade in German?
Robinsonade has various definitions in German:
[1] Literature, narrative type, literary assistant: Description of an adventure (a protagonist who ends up on a lonely island)
[1] Literatur, Erzähltyp, Literaturgattung: Schilderung eines Abenteuers (eines Protagonisten, der auf einer einsamen Insel landet)[2] an impressive adventure (like that of the shipwrecked Robinson Crusoe in the novel of the same name by Defoe)
[2] ein beeindruckendes Abenteuer (wie das des schiffbrüchigen Robinson Crusoe im gleichnamigen Roman von D. Defoe)How to use Robinsonade in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Robinsonade with translations in English.
[1] „Diese Arbeit wird sich mit der Frage beschäftigen, ob Arno Schmidts Erzählung Schwarze Spiegel als Robinsonade bezeichnet werden kann und falls ja, wie sich diese Typisierung rechtfertigen lässt.“
[1] "This work will deal with the question of whether Arno Schmidt's narrative Black Spiegel can be referred to as Robinsonade and if so, how this typing can be justified"[2] „Aber die Begierde, Ostindien zu sehen, benebelte meinen Verstand so sehr, daß ich alle Schwierigkeiten, die mir aufstoßen konnten, in den Wind schlug, und an nichts als an meine Robinsonade dachte, unbekümmert um die Folgen.“
[2] "But" but the desire to see the East Indies, so much brazen my mind that I hit all the difficulties that I could rebel, and thought of nothing but my robinsonade, carefree about the follow -up "Is it der, die or das Robinsonade?
The correct article in German of Robinsonade is die. So it is die Robinsonade! (nominative case)
The word Robinsonade is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
Context 2
German declension of Robinsonade?
How does the declension of Robinsonade work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Robinsonade | die Robinsonaden |
Genitive | der Robinsonade | der Robinsonaden |
Dative | der Robinsonade | den Robinsonaden |
Akkusative | die Robinsonade | die Robinsonaden |
What is the meaning of Robinsonade in German?
Robinsonade is defined as:
[1] Football, outdated: spectacular punch of the goalkeeper to prevent shots in the corners of the gate
[1] Fußball, veraltet: spektakulärer Hechtsprung des Torhüters, um Schüsse in die Ecken des Tores zu verhindernHow to use Robinsonade in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Robinsonade with translations in English.
[1] „Eine ‚Robinsonade‘ wie sie der Mannstädter Sportplatz noch nie gesehen hat! Die Robinsonade — so heißt sie nach Robinson, einem berühmten Tormann, dessen gefürchtete und bewunderte Spezialität sie war.“
[1] "A 'Robinsonade' as the Mannstadt sports field has never seen before the Robinsonade - so it is called Robinson, a famous goalkeeper whose feared and admired specialty she was"