Is it der, die or das Rivale?

The correct article in German of Rivale is der. So it is der Rivale! (nominative case)
The word Rivale is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Rivale?
How does the declension of Rivale work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Rivale | die Rivalen |
Genitive | des Rivalen | der Rivalen |
Dative | dem Rivalen | den Rivalen |
Akkusative | den Rivalen | die Rivalen |
What is the meaning of Rivale in German?
Rivale is defined as:
[1] Someone who pursues the same goal as his (e) opponent, but only one can achieve this goal
[1] jemand, der das gleiche Ziel wie sein(e) Gegner verfolgt, wobei aber nur einer dieses Ziel erreichen kannHow to use Rivale in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Rivale with translations in English.
[1] Durch Tricks hat er seine Rivalen ausgeschaltet.
[1] Through tricks he switched off his rivals[1] Auf dem Fußballplatz sind Tom und sein Schwager Rivalen.
[1] Tom and his brother -in -law Rivale are on the soccer field[1] Ein Rivale ist jemand, dessen Ziel die Verhinderung des Zieles eines anderen beinhaltet.
[1] A rival is someone whose goal is to prevent the goal of another[1] Sie schmiedeten ein Bündnis gegen den Rivalen aus China.
[1] They made an alliance against the rival from Chinaä[1] „Ewuare erschlägt seinen Rivalen und brennt die von dem Bruder kontrollierte Hauptstadt nieder.“
[1] "Ewuar strikes its rivals and burns the capital, controlled by the brother,"[1] „Mein Stiefvater sah es nicht gern, wenn ich mit Itzig Finkelstein, dem Sohn seines Rivalen Chaim Finkelstein, spielte.“
[1] "My stepfather did not like to see it when I with Itzig Finkelstein, the son of his rival Chaim Finkelstein, play" "[1] „Der Rivale hätte ihn umbringen lassen können, aber er war von Artus' Jugendlichkeit und seinen Idealen bewegt und bot ihm die Freilassung an, unter der Bedingung, daß er auf eine äußerst schwierige Frage eine Antwort finden könnte.“
[1] "The rival could have had him killed, but he was moved by Arthur's youth and his ideals and offered him the release, on the condition that he could find an answer to an extremely difficult question"