Is it der, die or das Retourkutsche?
The correct article in German of Retourkutsche is die. So it is die Retourkutsche! (nominative case)
The word Retourkutsche is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Retourkutsche?
How does the declension of Retourkutsche work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Retourkutsche | die Retourkutschen |
Genitive | der Retourkutsche | der Retourkutschen |
Dative | der Retourkutsche | den Retourkutschen |
Akkusative | die Retourkutsche | die Retourkutschen |
What is the meaning of Retourkutsche in German?
Retourkutsche is defined as:
[1] Small revenge, revenge
[1] kleine Rache, RevancheHow to use Retourkutsche in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Retourkutsche with translations in English.
[1] Diese Retourkutsche war nicht nett von dir.
[1] This return carriage was not nice of dirtions[1] „Und bestimmt kenne sie das: Wenn man ein Kind der Lüge überführe, dann wisse es sich meist nicht anders zu helfen als durch eine Retourkutsche.“
[1] "And certainly you know that: If you convict a child of the lie, it usually does not know how to help yourself than through a return carriage"[1] „Es ist wohl kaum anzunehmen, dass der Herrscher die Beleidigung, die er eben selber ausgesprochen hat, in der Retourkutsche nicht wiedererkennt.“
[1] "It can hardly be assumed that the ruler does not recognize the insult he has just spoken out in the return carriage"