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Is it der, die or das Reiseroute?



The correct article in German of Reiseroute is die. So it is die Reiseroute! (nominative case)

The word Reiseroute is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Reiseroute?

How does the declension of Reiseroute work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Reiseroute die Reiserouten
Genitive der Reiseroute der Reiserouten
Dative der Reiseroute den Reiserouten
Akkusative die Reiseroute die Reiserouten

What is the meaning of Reiseroute in German?

Reiseroute is defined as:

[1] entirety of the distances of a trip

[1] Gesamtheit der Wegstrecken einer Reise

How to use Reiseroute in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Reiseroute with translations in English.

[1] „Man braucht keine Kursbücher, Atlanten und Baedeker zu wälzen und eine Reiseroute auszutüfteln, die nachher doch nicht stimmt oder enttäuscht;…“

[1] "You don't need to roll the course books, atlants and Baedekers and to work out a travel route, which afterwards is not correct or disappointed ..."

[1] „Manch einer hatte vorgeschlagen, unsere Reiserouten zusammenzulegen, sowohl zur Zerstreuung als auch zur Sicherheit.“

[1] "Some had suggested that our travel routes come together, both for distraction and security" "

[1] „Heines Reiseroute läßt sich nachvollziehen.“

[1] "Heine's travel route can be understood"

[1] „Als meine Abreise vor einigen Monaten unaufhaltsam näher gerückt war, hatte ich dann doch einige Überlegungen zur Reiseroute angestellt.“

[1] "When my departure had moved closely a few months ago, I had made some considerations about the travel route"

[1] „Die Stadt lag an den Reiserouten der Jesuiten zu ihren Missionsgebieten in den Anden und an den Quellflüssen des Amazonas.“

[1] "The city was on the travel routes of the Jesuits to their mission areas in the Andes and on the source rivers of the Amazon" "