Is it der, die or das Ratingagentur?

The correct article in German of Ratingagentur is die. So it is die Ratingagentur! (nominative case)
The word Ratingagentur is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Ratingagentur?
How does the declension of Ratingagentur work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Ratingagentur | die Ratingagenturen |
Genitive | der Ratingagentur | der Ratingagenturen |
Dative | der Ratingagentur | den Ratingagenturen |
Akkusative | die Ratingagentur | die Ratingagenturen |
What is the meaning of Ratingagentur in German?
Ratingagentur is defined as:
[1] Economy: An organization (mostly a private company) that evaluates the creditworthiness of states and companies as well as the risk of failure of securities
[1] Wirtschaft: eine Organisation (meist ein privates Unternehmen), die die Kreditwürdigkeit von Staaten und Unternehmen sowie das Ausfallrisiko von Wertpapieren bewertetHow to use Ratingagentur in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Ratingagentur with translations in English.
[1] Die Ratingagentur Moody's denkt laut über eine Herabstufung der Bonität des hoch verschuldeten EU-Staats Portugal nach. (Welt Online)
[1] The rating agency Moody's thinks loudly about downgrading the creditworthiness of the highly indebted EU state of Portugal (WELT ONLINE)[1] „Fraglich nur, ob solche Einschätzungen nicht dazu beitragen, dass trotz der bisherigen Bestnoten der anderen Ratingagenturen für die USA die Fonds jetzt US-Schatzanweisungen abstoßen.“
[1] "It is only questionable whether such assessments do not contribute to the fact that despite the previous top marks of the other rating agencies for the United States, the funds are now selling US treasure instructions"