Is it der, die or das Rast?
The correct article in German of Rast is die. So it is die Rast! (nominative case)
The word Rast is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Rast?
How does the declension of Rast work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Rast | die Rasten |
Genitive | der Rast | der Rasten |
Dative | der Rast | den Rasten |
Akkusative | die Rast | die Rasten |
What is the meaning of Rast in German?
Rast is defined as:
[1] Interruption of a trip or hike to relax
[1] Unterbrechung einer Reise oder Wanderung zur ErholungHow to use Rast in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Rast with translations in English.
[1] Nach 15 Kilometern werden wir eine Rast einlegen.
[1] After 15 kilometers we will take a rest[1] „Nach mancher Rast und manchem Aufbruch, nach endlosem Schauen, vielerlei Wein wurden die Windungen des Flusses gleichförmiger.“
[1] "After some rest and some departure, after endless looking, many wine became uniformly the turns of the river" "[1] „Beide hatten sich augenscheinlich hier, wo sie ihr Wild erlegt hatten, nach der Anstrengung für kurze Rast ins Gras geworfen.“
[1] "Both had apparently thrown themselves here, where they had killed their game, after the effort for a short break into the grass"