Is it der, die or das Quote?
The correct article in German of Quote is die. So it is die Quote! (nominative case)
The word Quote is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Quote?
How does the declension of Quote work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Quote | die Quoten |
Genitive | der Quote | der Quoten |
Dative | der Quote | den Quoten |
Akkusative | die Quote | die Quoten |
What is the meaning of Quote in German?
Quote has various definitions in German:
[1] Painting of a thing in a whole
[1] Anteil einer Sache an einem Ganzen[2] Share of television viewers, which look at a specific program for a short form of the switch -on rate
[2] Anteil der Fernsehzuschauer, die ein bestimmtes Programm anschauen; Kurzform von Einschaltquote[3] Inheritance law: freely available, non -compulsory portion of the inheritance of the inheritance short form of an inheritance quota
[3] Erbrecht: frei verfügbares, nicht pflichtteilsgeschütztes Teil der Erbschaft; Kurzform von ErbquoteHow to use Quote in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Quote with translations in English.
[1] Die Quote der Studienabbrecher sank im letzten Jahr um 3 Prozent.
[1] The quota of the dropouts dropped by 3 percent by last year[1] [Angela Merkel:] „»Ich war damals jung. Ich war Frau und kam aus dem Osten. Das war dreifach Quote. Und ich war gut verwendbar, sagen wir mal so.«“
[1] [Angela Merkel:] "" I was young at the time I was a woman and came from the east. That was triple quota. And I was easy to use, let's say that. ""[2] Die Programmdirektoren gestalten die Inhalte mit Blick auf die Quote.
[2] The program directors design the content with a view to the quote