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Is it der, die or das Quiz?



The correct article in German of Quiz is das. So it is das Quiz! (nominative case)

The word Quiz is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Quiz?

How does the declension of Quiz work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural 1 Plural 2
Nominative das Quiz die Quiz die Quizze
Genitive des Quiz der Quiz der Quizze
Dative dem Quiz den Quiz den Quizzen
Akkusative das Quiz die Quiz die Quizze

What is the meaning of Quiz in German?

Quiz is defined as:

[1] question-and-answer game, in which the answers usually have to be given within a prescribed time

[1] Frage-und-Antwort-Spiel, bei dem die Antworten meist innerhalb einer vorgeschriebenen Zeit gegeben werden müssen

How to use Quiz in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Quiz with translations in English.

[1] Ich gewann gestern bei einem Quiz über deutsche Geschichte eine Million Euro.

[1] Yesterday I won a million euros in a quiz about German history

[1] Er war bereit, an dem kniffligen Quiz teilzunehmen.

[1] He was ready to participate in the tricky quiz

[1] Ich habe für dich ein Quiz über die größten Städte Europas zusammengestellt.

[1] I have put together a quiz for you over the largest cities in Europe

[1] „Zum Auswendiglernen hatte man ein Quiz entwickelt, das sich in Duellen untereinander per Mobiltelefon spielen ließ.“[1]

[1] "A quiz was developed for memorizing that could be played in duels with each other by mobile phone" [1]

[1] „Das Quiz mit 24 Fragen stellt sich aus Wichtigem, Interessantem und Verwunderlichem aus Leben und Werk Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts zusammen.“[2]

[1] "The quiz with 24 questions is made up of important, interesting and surprising from life and work Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" [2]

[1] „Wissen Sie noch, welcher Song wann ein Hit in Charts und Clubs war? Zeigen Sie es hier im Quiz über die Topseller der vergangenen 25 Jahre.“[3]

[1] "You still know which song when a hit in charts and clubs were showed it here in the quiz about the top sellers of the past 25 years" [3]